Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Lohan hospitalized! agaaaain!

Holy mother of god, Lindsay Lohan spends more time in hospitals than most doctors do! The Lohan was rushed to an L.A. hospital from the set of her new movie "Georgia Rule" after suffering from "heat exhaustion".

Lohan�'s rep, Leslie Sloane-Zelnick stated, "�She was overheated and dehydrated,"� �"She was filming in 105-degree weather for 12 hours"�. Um...ok

Lindsay was given a vitamin B 12 shot and rested at the hospital for a couple of hours before being sent home.

So, in the past year the Lohan has been hospitalised for a "mystery flu-like illness", "cutting her leg on a teacup", "exhaustion", "an asthma attack" and "heat exhaustion".....riiiiight. Clearly nothing to do with the fact that she likes the nose candy.

If I was a celebrity I would totally take career advice from Lindsay Lohan, I'd fly across the world blowing money, partying like crazy, revelling in illicit activities and then when it came time for me to do some actual work I'd tell everyone that a magical unicorn named Maurice had kicked me in the face and I needed to go to hospital and rest...

...and they wouldn't be able to say a thing

because how can you think of a comeback for someone who insists that they were kicked in the face by a unicorn?

Exactly. My plan is foolproof.