Monday, July 10, 2006

Living la vida Lohan!

Now, I'm not sure if i have some kind of Lohan radar as I ran into Lindsay Lohan at Chateau Marmont but only a few weeks ago..but..I ran into Ms. Lohan again this weekend for the second time! I was at Malibu country mart when all of a sudden a swarm of paparazzi descended on one store and started photographing like crazy.

After peering in the window it became evident that the Lohan was inside shopping (naturally) and had drawn quite a crowd. When it came time for her to leave her assistants came out of the front of the shop and drove her car to the obviously I walked to the back of the shop. Now, please bear in mind that I am nowhere near being a professional paparazzo and yet it took the pros another 2 minutes to figure out that she was coming out the back. By that time I was right near the door, poised and ready for the action to unfold...and oh the excitement I got!

First a Lohan peep came out carrying a giant gold box, which for some reason I convinced myself Lohan was in to hide from the paparazzi

Then came several unexplained small children and a woman with large hair and a hat

THEN CAME LOHAN! Who for some reason walked right over to me and rubbed her back against me (I'm not even kidding)! All the paps went nuts so I am probably in hundreds of paparazzi shots around the world by now. I hope they tag the photos as "Lindsay Lohan with unidentified handsome male friend"

More back photos...

And finally her face! Well if she hadn't been wearing such a stupidly large hat it would be her face

and with that she jumped in her car and ordered "drive" to one of her minions and was gone like a flash

Now that I think about it, when I was at the Chateau I was seated behind Ms. Lohan and her seat back kept rubbing againt mine, now, the only conclusion I can draw is that I have some kind of animal magnetism that makes young starlets feel the urge to run up against me...

Or she has fleas and I make a handy scratching post.