Monday, July 10, 2006

Holy mother of Lohan!

So, I joked in my last post that paparazzi pictures with me in them would surface...and they have! For some reason the paps didn't find Lindsay's backrubbing incident as enthralling as I did, but trust me if there are photos of that to be found anywhere I WILL BE THE ONE TO FIND THEM!

To help you I have pointed myself out in the photos, I'm sure your gaze would have automatically be drawn to me anyway...thats called having star quality...

Clearly I look like a homicidal stalker

And I'm wearing the same shirt I wore to the pirates premiere...its my favourite shirt ok?

I am severely shocked by how creepy I look in these photos, I look like the kind of guy who rummages through celebrities garbage and then flees into the night holding a used piece of cotton wool..

and I've only ever done that once.